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Blog posts tagged with 'manufacturer'

Merchandise in action - we really know how to box you off!
Merchandise in action - we really know how to box you off!

We all like to receive a well packaged product whether it’s a birthday present, the latest gadget or a new pair of trainers. We want to get you boxed off from a corporate merchandise perspective. Wild Thang really think it can take a product to a different level and make a lasting world class impres...

World’s largest underpants!
World’s largest underpants!

At Wild Thang we love all things big, large, gigantic, massive and huge related to products we sell. Check out the world's largest biggest #underpants #undies proving that pants simply don’t have to be pants & size does sometimes matter :-) The largest underpants measured 25.36 m (83 ft 2 in) across...

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While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

Wild Thang DO NOT imply that all these products have been supplied to, or endorsed by the individuals owners or companies of these said names or trademarks.

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