Complaint handling policy

Complaint handling policy


We value complaints as they assist us to improve our products, services and customer service.

This policy has been designed to assist both customers and staff. Wild Thang Limited is committed to consistent, fair and confidential complaint handling and to resolving complaints as quickly as possible. We aim to make it easy for people to make a complaint if they are dissatisfied and we will treat all customers making a complaint equally.

We will display our complaint handling policy and procedure in our business so that customers can view it.


Complaints are defined as any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to staff by a customer or member of the public in relation to our business.


All complaints made, verbal or written, will be recorded in the main office at 331-337 Derby Road, Bootle, Liverpool L20 8LQ at the time the complaint is made, or as soon as possible afterwards. The complaint should be recorded by the staff member who took the details.

When taking a complaint, staff will record the name and contact details of the customer, as well as full details of the complaint including the date. Details of all communication with the customer and any actions to resolve the complaint will be recorded in the same place.

Recorded complaints will also be monitored for any ongoing trends by management and efforts made to resolve any ongoing issues.

Customers personal details or details of their complaint will not be divulged to third parties unless we have their written consent.


We strive to resolve all complaints within 10 working days. Written complaints will be acknowledged promptly.

Customers will be given an approximate timeframe at the time they make their complaint. Customers will be informed of the progress of their complaint regularly, especially if there are any delays or changes to what has been agreed.

Customers will be informed of any changes to our products or services as a result of their complaint.

Where appropriate, customers who have had a complaint resolved will be contacted at a later date to see if they are happy with how their complaint was handled.


All people making a complaint will be treated with courtesy. Complaints raised by local authority members and officers will be directed to their dedicated account manager and resolved at the first point of contact. If appropriate to the complaint, the account manager can offer a discount or a replacement product if product is faulty to resolve a complaint immediately. Complaints will still be recorded.

If the complaint can’t be resolved immediately, the customer will be given a timeframe and details of our complaint handling process. Management can resolve a complaint by:

  • Email
  • In person
  • By telephone
  • By letter


If a complaint cannot be resolved by the usual complaint process, it should be referred to a member of the management team and the customer will be informed and given an amended timeframe for resolution.


Wild Thang Limited is committed to continuous improvement and this policy will be reviewed regularly (at least every 12 months) for effectiveness and updated.

This complaint handling policy is supported by management. We commit to providing this policy to all staff and displaying it in our business for customers.

Andrew Dwerryhouse
Managing Director 01.05.18