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Wild Thang proud to donate warm clothing to the homeless as temperatures fall.

Wild Thang proud to donate warm clothing to the homeless as temperatures fall.

Andrew Dwerryhouse, MD at Wild Thang commented: “Wild Thang are proud to have made this donation and are sure every little counts, It’s this time of year that our thoughts turn to those most in need when the weather takes a turn for the worse for vulnerable homeless people, especially when having to deal with freezing temperatures. That’s exactly why we donated a sizable amount of clothing including jackets, hoodies and hats to the Cotton Street Homeless Project and Whitechapel Homeless Centre which will hopefully keep a number of people safe and warm this winter. As part of the companies charitable fundraising the staff Christmas Jumper day held prior to the festive break raised over £200 which will be split between these two great organisations. We encourage others to get involved as the more people/companies/organisations involved in trying to make an impact the better the outcome will be, which is ultimately all focused on trying to eradicate homelessness in the Liverpool City Region for good.”

To learn more about the organisation and how you can support also please take a look at the following website links:

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