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Wild Thang Makes Waves By Winning the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity Dragon Boat Race 2024!

Wild Thang Makes Waves By Winning the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity Dragon Boat Race 2024!

On Sunday, 8th September 2024, the Wild Thang team took to the waters at the Liverpool Water Sports Centre at Queens Dock, Liverpool, to participate in the highly anticipated Clatterbridge Cancer Charity Dragon Boat Race. This exciting event, now in its second year, brought 17 teams from across the region for a day filled with adrenaline, teamwork, and community spirit, all in support of the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity. We were thrilled to be part of this event, competing with enthusiasm and heart alongside so many others who share our commitment to making a difference.


Team Wild Thang Group Photo

After 3 heats and a grand final we are delighted to say that Wild Thang made some real waves to become champions! Winning every heat and pulling ahead to win the final, we are incredibly proud of the team! Never being scared to stand out from the crowd we donned our bright neon green branded t-shirts which we had expertly branded in houseby the Wild Thang team, including 16 rowers and one enthusiastic drummer took on the challenge with determination. It was a real challenge with 17 teams competing for the trophy in really challenging weather, but we did not let that dampen our spirits with the overall goal to paddle hard, stay in sync and most importantly, have fun while supporting an incredible cause.

The Wild Thang Team Racing 

We are delighted to announce that the event has raised so far over £35,000 and counting, with Wild Thang fundraising and donating £1800 for the event. The day was not just about racing, it was also a celebration of the collective efforts of all the teams involved. The event was perfectly delivered , big well done to all those who helped organise, volunteered and other companies and organisations that participated.   With 300 participants and many more supporters, the atmosphere at Queens Dock was truly electric. From the ornately decorated dragon boats to the creative fancy dress outfits, the event was a vibrant display of team effort, community spirit and enthusiasm.


Wild Thang MD Andrew Dwerryhouse Celebrating The Win

The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity is a cause close to our hearts at Wild Thang. The charity plays a crucial role in supporting the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, one of the UK’s leading cancer treatment facilities. With their efforts focused on pioneering cancer research, innovative treatments and vital patient services, Clatterbridge is a beacon of hope for countless individuals and families. By participating in the Dragon Boat Race, we were able to contribute to this essential work and help raise funds that will directly impact the lives of those battling cancer.

Team Wild Thang Trophy Picture

At Wild Thang, our commitment to ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility is deeply embedded in our company culture. We believe in giving back to the community and events like the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity Dragon Boat Race offers us the perfect opportunity to do so. Our participation in this event is a reflection of our broader commitment to charity and community engagement, which has always been at the core of what we do. We are proud to support initiatives that make a real difference in people’s lives and we strive to contribute in meaningful ways wherever possible.

Our Winning Trophy  

As we look ahead, we remain committed to all our ESG initiatives and to continuing our support for important causes like Clatterbridge Cancer Charity. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported us, cheered us on and donated to this cause. Together, we have made a difference and we look forward to participating in more events like this in the future which is the essence of ‘The Wild Thang Way’. Stay tuned to our blog for more updates on our charitable activities and community engagement efforts!

Find out more about the amazing work Clatterbridge charity do and its still not too late to make a donation see the link to our just giving page. 

Clatterbridge Cancer Charity JustGiving Link Get in touch

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